Over the years Marine Engineering training has taken place in many different sites. At one time the hulk of HMS SULTAN 4 was used as part of HMS FISGARD for training. There are many artefacts and pictures of some of the sites used. The Training Records from a number of establishments were moved to the museum when they closed as well as the past ME training records from HMS Sultan.
HMS Fisgard HMS Fisgard closed in 1983 and the Fisgard Squadron was set up to accommodate the Artificers at HMS Raleigh. The training records include some class photos but many more can be viewed on the Fisgard Association website ( https://thefisgardassociation.org/ )
HMS Caledonia HMS Caledonia (1946 shore establishment)was an artificers' training establishment commissioned in 1946 and paid off in 1985. The artificer training for the Marine Engineering branch moved to HMS Sultan until the last Artificer training class passed out in 2010. Further details about ERA's (Engine Room Artificers) can be found on the Old Caledonia Artificer's Association website - http://www.ocaaa.org/index.html